Death And Dying
Little Haven Week 2018
July 15th – July 22nd Each year Little Haven Palliative Care and Cancer Support celebrates our proud service to the Gympie community providing the best model of dignified end of life care for the terminally ill, support for chemotherapy patients and counselling and follow up for the bereaved. 2018 represents 39 years of developing compassionate
Read moreI feel like I also have a terminal illness – it’s called grief
My name is Leesa Sheridan and I said goodbye to my beautiful husband Steve, in September last year. He was 49 years old. Steve was diagnosed with Melanoma in June 2015, then after surgery we hoped we were clear forever, but a year to the date it came back with avengance, it had spread to
Read moreLittle Haven Bereavement Support Groups
Little Haven holds regular informal bereavement support group meeting at our centre that are open to anyone who has experienced loss and grief. Participants may attend whenever they wish free of charge. Coping with loss is discussed in a supportive and confidential environment, facilitated by experienced bereavement support staff Sally and Lisa. Topics shared may include dealing with
Read moreLittle Haven’s 2015 Business Managers Report
“A Tree stands strong not by its fruit or branches, but by the depth of its roots” Anthony Liccione Business Managers Report 2014/2015 As I sit trying to write this Report, having recently been told the devastating news my mum has an aggressive brain tumour I’m just a daughter terrified for what lies ahead for
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