
Bereavement Support

Grieving is a very individual process, with the needs of each person being different and possibly changing over time.  Little Haven Palliative Care offers grief and bereavement support that assists with the loss and grief experiences before and after the death of a loved one.

Our support staff have experience dealing with bereavement issues and provide one on one support to any of Little Haven’s patients or families who wish to access help through the grieving process.

What grief and bereavement support is available?

  • Grief and bereavement counselling
  • One on one or join our support groups –
  • Bereavement support social catch ups – bimonthly
  • Access to complementary therapies
  • Art therapy – One on one or Group
  • Assistance in gaining access to specialist services if appropriate
  • Invitation to the annual remembrance services

Who has access to these services?

All families and significant others of Little Haven clients have access to our Bereavement Support Program.

All services are provided on a no fee basis.

Little Haven holds regular informal bereavement support groups that are open to anyone who is dealing with loss or grief.

Coping with loss is discussed in a supportive and confidential environment, facilitated by experienced bereavement support staff  Lisa and Petrina. Topics shared may include dealing with loneliness, understanding the grieving process, adjusting to life without your loved one, taking next steps and finding meaning and reinvesting in life.

Our Bereavement Support Team : Lisa McAulay, Jackie Massey and Tara MacDonald

Ten Ways to Help the Bereaved

  • Be present and attentive to the bereaved person.
  • Allow for moments of silence and reflection.
  • Listen in a non-judgmental and accepting way.
  • Avoid the use of clichés such as ‘Think of all the good times’, ‘You can always have another child’.
  • Mention the deceased person’s name and encourage the bereaved person to talk about them.
  • Offer practical and emotional support e.g. by minding children or cooking a meal.
  • Understand that tears are normal and healthy part of the grieving process.
  • Don’t try to fill in conversations with a lot of outside news.
  • Remember that grief may take years to work through. There is no time frame on grieving.
  • Acknowledge anniversaries and dates of significance for the bereaved person.