New Volunteer Training Wednesday 24th August 2016 – Apply Now!
Little Haven has a dedicated band of over 100 volunteers who work across a wide range of areas: patient support, assisting in the chemotherapy unit, cleaning & maintenance, office support and playing an essential role in raising much needed funds. Little Haven volunteers are specifically trained for their roles and as an organisation we comply with the Australian Standards for Volunteering.
Areas where Volunteers make a difference
- Respite Care
- Chemotherapy Ward Assistance
- Complementary Therapies
- Office Assistance
- Fundraising
- Publicity / Media Releases
- Library
- Equipment Room Stock take
- Cleaning / Maintenance
Whether you choose to assist by becoming directly involved in patient care through offering respite care or our chemotherapy support team, or indirectly through fundraising or by working in the office or serving on our Committee of Management, your gift of time enables Little Haven to make a difference to the lives of those facing their toughest hour.
To help you find your niche in our organisation, we offer every new volunteer Orientation training followed by one-on-one mentoring until you are fully confident in your new role, then ongoing training and refresher courses to help you maintain your edge. For specialist roles such as respite care or chemotherapy ward support, you will be required to undertake further education before you can begin working in these areas.
At Little Haven, you can make a significant contribution to the well-being of your community, through the precious gift of your time.
To complete the Volunteer registration form click here or contact the office on 54829091