
Little Haven Gratitude Walk and Fun Run

tjk (640x480)Little Haven Palliative Care’s Gratitude Walk and Fun Run is on Sunday 17th July, 2016. MARK THAT DATE!

We experience blessings in tragedy as well as joy. In this spirit, we invite you to join us on our “gratitude walk” honouring our patients and families and offering thanks to a community that supports caring for the terminally ill so they may enjoy the best and longest possible quality end of life.

Whether your pace is slow or aerobic in cadence come along and enjoy the pleasure of movement, the warmth of Gympie’s winter and our beautiful Mary… Reflecting on life’s gifts.

You may choose to affirm your gratitude for the gift of a loved one by carrying a gratitude card with “I thank you for____________.”
Gympie’s Gratitude Walk is an important part of Little Haven Week held annually. The Walk provides an opportunity for Little Haven to show Gratitude to the support this community provides so we can be there when we are needed. We’d love the see you join us in remembering and giving thanks for all those who have left us with an imprint on our hearts this year.

All events in Little Haven Week raise invaluable funds needed for Little Haven’s work in the coming year.

We look forward to another great morning at the Gratitude Walk in 2016